News – FDIC


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency created by the Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system. Learn about the FDIC’s mission, leadership, history, career opportunities, and more.
Learn More About the FDIC
The FDIC provides a wealth of resources for consumers, bankers, analysts, and other stakeholders. Browse our collection of financial education materials, data tools, documentation of laws and regulations, information on important initiatives, and more.
Additional FDIC Resources
The FDIC is proud to be a pre-eminent source of U.S. banking industry research, including quarterly banking profiles, working papers, and state banking performance data. Browse our extensive research tools and reports.
More FDIC Analysis
The FDIC publishes regular updates on news and activities. Keep up with FDIC announcements, read speeches and testimony on the latest banking issues, learn about policy changes for banks, and get the details on upcoming conferences and events.
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To increase the public’s awareness of deposit insurance and how it can protect people’s money in the event of a bank’s failure, the FDIC developed a national consumer campaign, “Know Your Risk. Protect Your Money.” The campaign aims to reach those who may have lower confidence in the U.S. banking system or who are unbanked, as well as those who use mobile payment systems, alternative banking services and financial products that may appear to be FDIC-insured but are not.
Visit the Campaign Page
Among the FDIC’s important missions is to help consumers understand and access our financial system so they can build a legacy for themselves and their families. The FDIC Podcast seeks to untangle the myths and mystery of the banking world and to shed light on how every person can become part of the financial fabric of this country. Subscribe for email reminders
The Power of Partnership
Minority banks play a critical role in serving communities that have historically lacked access to credit and capital. In this episode, we meet two bankers—one from a small minority bank and the other from a large global financial institution. Together, they discuss the power of their partnership to make certain the banking system works for everyone. 
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